Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Disasterous Day

Okay-so today I thought was going to be the worst day ever. First of all I woke up at 2:00 am and could not fall back asleep. Just as I was starting to crash, the electricity in my house goes out. Of course, I must go locate my cell phone so I can have an alarm. Locatiing this was quite a task in the pitch dark. I eventually found it in my car in the garage. (Now mind you, I only have a candle for a light while doing all of this.) Back in bed, I again could not fall asleep. Again, just as I was starting to get sleepy, the cell goes off and it is time to get ready for work. I have to take a shower by candlelight and get ready for the day in the same manner. I was lucky that my clothes actually matched. I then go downstairs where Marley decided to get on the kitchen counter and knock off a candy dish. The dish crashes into tiny pieces that my dog Lulu proceedes to eat. Eesh! I then go out to leave for the work day and low and behold, my garage door wont open due to the power outage. If it were not for my dear friend Katie instructing me on how to open the garage door without power, I would have had to call a sub for the day. The school day was not that bad, however, I was so worried about Lulu finding glass to munch on in my absence. When I got home, everything was fine and Lulu is great.
Here is a picture of her for proof that all is well

Please pay no attention to the messy coffee table in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, poor Lulu. She sure is a cutie! Glad to hear that the glass did not hurt her!

    Don't forget that the power is scheduled to be out again from 1-5 am on Sunday morning.
